Planned Parenthood event honoring Beth Otterstein Last night I attended an amazing event put on by Planned Parenthood to honor local hero, Beth Otterstein for her work caring for women and championing women’s reproductive health choices. It was really great to...
State Property, an original song State Property by Michelle Grua My friend and songwriter extraordinaire, Michelle Grua came over one day last fall after hearing about the Kevlar® kimono...
Silkscreen update I’m finally at a point where I feel like I’ll be satisfied with these silkscreened images. They’re printed onto silk organza with thickened dyes, then two layers are stitched together in the center to form a window where the...
A prototype When I began looking at old kimonos, I realized that I needed to make a test version, to work out the pattern, and understand the best way to construct the garment. Once I got into the silk and Kevlar® version, it would be too late to make many amendments...
The stand One of the most amazing things about this project is the way people have come forward to help. A filmmaker has offered her services, friends have stepped up to help do screen printing when the time comes for that. A sculptor friend, Ryan Lamfers, when he...
Legislative conference postponed The original unveiling of the Kevlar® kimono was to have been in mid-January, but plans have changed somewhat. Right now, it seems that another conference is being planned for March/April, but please stay tuned. I admit that I’m...
Learning to silkscreen It’s funny how the right tools show up just when you need them. In order to make the piece I envision, it seems that I need to silkscreen the background images onto square-ish pieces of fabric. Only one problem: I’ve never done...
On the radio I was recently interviewed by Gillian Ferris Kohl about the issue of abortion and the making of the Kevlar® kimono. You can listen to the piece that aired on KNAU Arizona Public Radio. Let's keep in touch in support of women's reproductive...
About the photographs When I initially envisioned the Kevlar®kimono, I thought it would be simply a beautiful garment, lined with the bulletproof fabric. The metaphor would be one of safe space, and it would be fairly simple. What I did not understand, though, was...